Thursday, 15 July 2010

A little introduction...

Hello! Thank you for taking time to look at our blog. This summer six students who graduated from St. Chad’s College, Durham University in June (2010) are spending their summer at St. Matthew’s High School in Eastern Cape, South Africa. St. Chad’s started its link with the school last year and so far a few students have been out there and really enjoyed their time as well as helping at the school. More information can be found at a the school's website.

We hope to learn from the South Africans whilst also helping to assist with teaching maths and sciences in particular. We will also be involved in running some extra-curricular activities. In particular I am excited by the chance to get involved in playing / coaching some football and rugby. Additionally I am aiming to make a short film to show people back in the UK what the school is like.

The aim of this blog is to keep people up to date with what is happening, so please have a look whenever you get the chance. The initial aim is to put up a post or photo (internet permitting) every few days (from the start of August) to keep friends, family, students of St. Chad’s and anyone else who is interested in our work out there.